Archive for July, 2008

Day one and stuff

Monday, July 28th, 2008

I’ve discovered that getting WordPress to work correctly after a directory switch is about as intuitive as something that isn’t very intuitive at all. Expect more stuff in the days to come as this website struggles to come to grips with its own, terrifying existence.

Regardless of my deficiencies in this brand new era of WEB TWO OH, here are some facts:

  • Somewhere in Nevada is a comic.
  • Somewhere in Nevada is drawn by 3.
  • Somewhere in Nevada will update Mondays through Fridays weekly, unless something terrible happens.
  • Somewhere in Nevada is a mammal.
  • Hopefully that addresses any and all concerns!


    Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

    Dear friends! 

    In a bid to remove those pesky grey rectangles to the left, at least until this site has true advertising fully set up, I am ready and willing to put up almost any ad, misleading or otherwise, to take their places for the time being! So, make whatever you want in a 160×600 rectangle, and send it to!