Archive for November, 2011

LEGO brand building bricks ™

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

if you’ve ever bothered browsing through the links to the right of the screen and somehow stumbled into my flickr account, you’ll probably have noticed i kind of have a thing about building with LEGO, specifically with TLG’s (The Lego Group) Lego Digital Designer software. but this particular hobby also happens to intersect regularly with the conceptualization of somewhere in nevada, and LDD works pretty well as a sort-of-CAD program for the more complex thingies i end up plopping down into the SiN universe.

case in point, issue 3’s spaceship and rebuilt limo.

LEGO brand building bricks (tm)


this almost feels like a real comic now

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

i finally got off my lazy ass and made real about and cast pages for your personal edification. how about that!