Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category

out with the old

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

seriously, get out. you’re not invited to my parties anymore.

nothing borrowed, but there is some blue

hello friends! for some reason i’ve been going through issue one and deciding that my old, inconsistent inks have just got to go. so! the old issue one will slowly be consumed by the newer, leaner, meaner issue one with all design tweaks made to the SiN house style starting from issue 3 onward retroactively applied. so far, the cover and the first four pages have been replaced. i’ve also tacked on some pithy blurbs to the original commentary, and you can still see the old versions if you click the links in the bolded future segments of the blurb.

oh look

Friday, October 21st, 2011

over there >>>
(disregard that if you’re one of those weirdos with an RSS reader)

yes, i took some time out of my packed schedule of rock and roll and doing hard drugs to clean up the sidebar, which had overgrown like some kind of wild fungus. everything’s a whole lot cleaner now, so, uh, yay?

time for some more (misplaced) nostalgia

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

hello friends! i’ve redone two more classic pages, for your personal enjoyment.


here’s some trivia, by the way. did you know that the longest running consecutive number of comics without delay is 15?
here’s some more trivia. did you know that we are very close to breaking that record through sheer force of will? HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN

i drew a thing

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

better days

more redone pages

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

i went back and redid three more pages, just for you guys!
(i have no idea who you guys are)

call me ishmael: a lesson on happiness

Sunday, November 6th, 2011

one day someone’s going to write an AP style guide on how to be happy. until then:


(image courtesy of boohooboo)

Take a moment now to reflect on how happy you are. Without trying to be too presumptuous, I’m going to take a shot in the dark and assume that you’re probably not as happy as you would like to be. If I’m wrong, go ahead and stop reading this and do something happy with your life. For the rest of you, I’d like you to participate in a completely scientific experiment that I have made up just now.


LEGO brand building bricks ™

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

if you’ve ever bothered browsing through the links to the right of the screen and somehow stumbled into my flickr account, you’ll probably have noticed i kind of have a thing about building with LEGO, specifically with TLG’s (The Lego Group) Lego Digital Designer software. but this particular hobby also happens to intersect regularly with the conceptualization of somewhere in nevada, and LDD works pretty well as a sort-of-CAD program for the more complex thingies i end up plopping down into the SiN universe.

case in point, issue 3’s spaceship and rebuilt limo.

LEGO brand building bricks (tm)


this almost feels like a real comic now

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

i finally got off my lazy ass and made real about and cast pages for your personal edification. how about that!


Sunday, December 4th, 2011

i am having some kind of weird electrical problems and until that’s all sorted out, i won’t be able to complete this comic in a timely fashion. so expect it sometime in the afternoon instead of robotically scheduled as usual.

more new pages!

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

99 bottles of beer on the wall...

three more pages from issue one have been redone for your viewing pleasure!