Archive for October, 2011

oh look

Friday, October 21st, 2011

over there >>>
(disregard that if you’re one of those weirdos with an RSS reader)

yes, i took some time out of my packed schedule of rock and roll and doing hard drugs to clean up the sidebar, which had overgrown like some kind of wild fungus. everything’s a whole lot cleaner now, so, uh, yay?

time for some more (misplaced) nostalgia

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

hello friends! i’ve redone two more classic pages, for your personal enjoyment.


here’s some trivia, by the way. did you know that the longest running consecutive number of comics without delay is 15?
here’s some more trivia. did you know that we are very close to breaking that record through sheer force of will? HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN